6 months ago

Braving the Waves: Can You Imagine

Episode Notes

Mikaela Brewer’s poem and episode this week are a bit of a mantra/reminder to carry in your pocket, especially as things feel heavy. The month of June is celebratory in many ways, including Pride, Juneteenth, Indigenous History Month, and Men’s Mental Health Month, among many more. And we know it’s important for joy and advocacy to coexist, especially in our student communities.

With this, comes many emotions, and right now, to put it in the simplest terms: things are hard for all of us, and in many ways, feel like they won’t ever change. This poem doesn’t say “It’s going to be okay” but my hope is that it offers you hope, and a new way to imagine/dream—our most powerful skill.

Here's an excerpt of the poem (the full written & visually formatted versions can now be found & read at!):

Don’t let anyone tell you that imagining & dreaming is only for children— these are perhaps most powerful when we remember how to wield them as young adults.

The greatest gift you can receive or bestow (upon anyone or anything) is to be believed in.

Listen to this week's episode to hear the full poem! If you’d like to share your moment or memory on the podcast, please head to

Disclaimer: This Podcast and all of our mental health learning and educational content is not therapy and is not a replacement for therapy. Noah and Simon do not take this therapist-client role in any way for Resolvve.

Please seek professional help if needed. Go to to get the support you need.

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