5 months ago

Braving the Waves: What We Hide

Episode Notes

This week, Mikaela Brewer reads her poem about living "the best life" and the mucky parts of being people that we sometimes hide.

This poem and episode rips off the bandaid of a few good examples of these (which in truth, make us more human. It’s amusing how desperately we try to conceal bodily functions so deeply out of our control). 

Here's an excerpt of the poem (the full written versions can now be found & read at!):

But these are life. And perhaps our souls or minds are that thick, soft fog of ripe water droplets suspended in the air. Or, as the frozen lake-like lagoon begins its March melt, our souls are the ice crystals—shards of the swamp’s frayed bedsheet at the edges of wet sandy shore— tinkling & twinkling together to make music, welcoming the rebirth of vivacious life beneath the toy waves and their frosty icing.

Listen to this week's episode to hear the full poem! If you’d like to share your moment or memory on the podcast, please head to

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