11 months ago

Braving the Waves: Drawing Lines

Episode Notes

Mikaela Brewer brings us another episode of the Braving the Waves Podcast with her latest reading. This week’s poem pilots us into an argument between a child and their father that has soured, where he has reverted to hurtful, personal attacks.

The voice in this poem carries us deeper into this instance—the child’s acknowledgement of overwhelm; a moment of mindful connecting to their five senses; and a deep compassion and awareness of the seed of their father’s hurt. At the end of the poem, there is a call—the narrator speaking to themselves—to understand the root of rot, boundaries, and capacity to both hold space and invite those who have caused harm into it—if they’re willing.

Here is a snippet of Drawing Lines:

There was a time I thought my own mental, spiritual, and physical shame needed forensics when there was no crime. They just needed love, breath, and space.

I cannot force you to change your mind, but I can offer safety for openness to having your mind changed.

Listen in to this week's episode to hear the rest of Drawing Lines. If you’d like to share your moment or memory on the podcast, please head to!

Disclaimer: This Podcast and all of our mental health learning and educational content is not therapy and is not a replacement for therapy. Noah and Simon do not take this therapist-client role in any way for Resolvve.

Please seek professional help if needed. Go to to get the support you need.

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