7 months ago

Bridging the Waves: Instant Gram Recipe

Episode Notes

Our sister podcast, hosted by Mikaela Brewer is back. This week, she's excited to share the first poem of 2024 with you.

In the setting of a cozy kitchen, this poem captures our moments on social media with a twist. It explores the “Favourites” feature on Instagram, namely one way in which to use it mindfully: curating your relationship with social media.

For example, carefully choosing a recipe of art, music, joy, passion, humour, social justice, activism, news, media, and environmental advocacy accounts (from diverse voices) for your 50 favourites, and returning to these for most of your daily social media allotment. Of course, this list is not exhaustive but hopefully is inspiring.

Here's an excerpt of the poem: Pluck a slice—a leaf—of mint to nibble,

and climb the creaky ladder to the pantry of cookbooks above the table, stools, and stove. It’s the laminated one— glossy and slick with clear plastic coils

when peeled from its silicone case. Flip to chapter 20, part 24: Infinite Instant Grams Description: a nutritional 50-fragment finger food favourite Prep & cook time: 20-30 minutes.

Listen to this week's episode to hear the full poem! If you’d like to share your moment or memory on the podcast, please head to

Disclaimer: This Podcast and all of our mental health learning and educational content is not therapy and is not a replacement for therapy. Noah and Simon do not take this therapist-client role in any way for Resolvve.

Please seek professional help if needed. Go to to get the support you need.

Follow us on Instagram (@resolvvementalhealth), TikTok (@Resolvve), and Youtube (@resolvvementalhealth).