E68 How to Be Your Own Best Friend
with Donovan Taylor Hall
Episode Notes
This week, Noah speaks with a youth advocate and educator named Donovan Taylor Hall that wants to help kids build self-determination, while also learning skills to take care of themselves mentally and emotionally.
Although his work started with kids, he has recently shifted into helping adults take care of themselves using the same skills and inner child work. Donovan's goal is to help kids of all ages build a positive relationship with themselves. He teaches his self skills curriculum through youth online coaching, professional speaking, video game streaming, and self-development online content. He has been featured on the Today Show, NowThis and several podcasts to talk about the importance of positive youth development.
Disclaimer: This Podcast and all of our mental health learning and educational content is not therapy and is not a replacement for therapy. Noah and Simon do not take this therapist-client role in any way for Resolvve.
Please seek professional help if needed. Go to www.resolvve.ca to get the support you need.